Adventures in Ice Cream Making

I warned you that there would be non-natural resources/recreation related posts on this blog once and awhile. This is one of those posts.  Anyone who knows me well, knows that I love ice cream. I adore it. I could eat it for every meal and be a very happy (although obese and unhealthy) person.  This year for Christmas my sister and her boyfriend joined forces and bought me an ice cream maker, an awesome recipe book, and adorable ice cream bowls. 🙂

Daniel Craig helped me make ice cream.

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Visitor Impacts on the Moon?

The lands protected by federal agencies in the United States are not all protected solely for their natural characteristics. Many parks and protected areas are charged with also preserving important historical and cultural resources. For example, in Utah the USDA Forest Service manages Ashley National Forest and the historical cabins, Spanish tree carvings, and evidence of historical dam construction located within that forest system.  The National Park service manages thousands of National Historical Landmarks and 45 National Historical Parks. Recently a request was made to the park service for a new National Historic Landmark: the Tranquility Site on the moon.

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